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More than just an insurance broker, Chance uses insurance concepts,
innovative knowledge and connected data to grow businesses.

Chance is at the forefront of insurance innovation, transforming complex business cases into simple, intuitive, real-time, online services, combining underwriting knowledge with customer expectations. We are a modern startup, driven by a fantastic team, delivering value for clients.

Chance works for its clients (B2B2C, B2B, B2B2X and B2C)
to pioneer entirely integrated, bespoke and seamless
“Insurance-As-A-Service”, with programs backed by
a diverse panel of local and global risk takers.
We know no boundaries for risk, starting with our
leading positionas creators of non-natural catastrophe
parametric products.

Chance covers the entire value chain to equip our clients with the best possible solutions, enabling fast onboarding of new partners. We leverage our state-of-the-art, digital and cloud-native platform, to deliver end-to-end, customizable production, payment, policy and claims support for deploying cutting-edge and tailor-made products.
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