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Chance and Chance Financial are registered trademarks represented by the following companies via which they conduct business:


EUROPE: represented by Prime Assurances SAS, Président: Anthony Fienberg • Headquarters - 101 boulevard Malesherbes, 75008 Paris, France • Simplified joint stock insurance intermediation company with Euro 5,000 share capital • Company registration number 822 787 081 • Authorized as an insurance intermediary in France under registration number 16 006 177-, and to conclude insurance in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland and Portugal (cf. EU Freedom of Services directive 2002/92/EC) • Regulatory supervision: French banking and insurance authority – Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution, 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459 75436 Paris Cedex 09


NORTH AMERICA: represented by Technology Device Insurance Brokers Inc, President: Anthony Fienberg • Registered address: 8 The Green, Suite A, Dover, DE, 19901 • Principal place of business: 537 N. Neville St., Suite 5D, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 • Delaware corporation • File number 6119174 - EIN: 81-3532180 • Authorized as an insurance intermediary in Delaware (3000017002) and New York (1442133) under National Producer Number 18070292 • Regulatory supervision: Delaware Department of Insurance, Office of the Insurance Commissioner, Rodney Building, 841 Silver Lake Blvd., Dover, DE  19904, T: (302) 674-7300, I:




Unless otherwise specified, no coverage is afforded by any e-mail emanating from Chance/Chance Financial.  However, if an e-mail presents a quotation to you, the validity period thereof is limited to 15 days from the sent date.


Chance/Chance Financial e-mails and any attachments thereto are confidential and intended solely for the addressee(s). Any unauthorized modification, edition, use or dissemination is prohibited. If you have received an e-mail from Chance Financial by mistake, please notify us immediately. Chance/Chance Financial is not liable for the content of any e-mail if altered, changed, falsified, edited or diffused without authorization.


Chance/Chance Financial e-mails are established in conformity with the French Law n°2000 -230 of March 13, 2000 transposing the laws about evidence to information technology (article 1316-3 "anything written on an electronic medium is of the same legal value as that on paper")


In accordance with Article 39 et seq. of Law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 as amended in 2004 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, any person may obtain communication and, where appropriate, rectification or deletion of the information concerning them at one of the Chance/Chance Financial operating company's offices.

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